Raising Deaf Kids- Hard of hearing, Hearing Loss, Sign Language, ASL, Listening and Spoken Language, Hearing Impaired

Do you want to know how to practice language skills at home with your child? Are you searching for steps to practice more language at home without taking up too much of your time? Do you dream of being able to fully communicate and connect with your child? You are in the right place! This podcast is for parents of kids with hearing loss who want to find better ways to practice language at home without it taking hours of your time. This podcast will teach you how to fit language practice into your busy day, know what language strategies to practice each day, and find ways to keep your kids engaged so that language practice feels more like play and less like a chore! Hey, I’m Alaine. A mom, wife, and a parent of 2 deaf kids. I remember when I had two kids with hearing loss, and I was faced with practicing two different sets of speech goals everyday while parenting a 2 year old and 4 year old. All while keeping up the day-to-day in the home! I had to QUICKLY figure out how to balance it all and practice those language goals if I wanted my boys to move forward in language learning. So I relied on my knowledge as a former high school spanish teacher of HOW to most effectively teach someone a language while focusing on fun language activities that engaged my kids and allowed us to practice language goals in the fastest amount of time as possible. Language learning HAS to get done for your kids to communicate with you. So let me help you figure this all out! If you’re ready to find more time in your day to practice language skills, learn how to practice so your child achieves the goals in less time, and finally connect with your child via language, then this community is for you! Grab your caffeine of choice and grab some fun toys nearby, because it’s time to up level your child’s language skills! I’ll see you inside!

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Thursday May 30, 2024

Are you overwhelmed with all of the decisions that it takes to raise a child with hearing loss? Are people and organizations constantly contacting you about your child? It can be a lot, especially at the beginning of raising a deaf or hard of hearing child. By doing this one thing you can instantly change the way that you see this mountain of decisions in front of you and bring more ease to your life today. 
If you need help sorting through your to-do list and deciding what is most urgent to tackle first, sign up today for a 1:1 coaching session at raisingdeafkids.com/coaching
Friend, I want to hear from you! I have a really fun way for you to get a quick 1 minute coaching quickie. Leave me a message on Speakpipe! You can ask a question and I’ll answer it live on the podcast, or you can let me and others know how the podcast has impacted you and your family. I’ll air your message live on the podcast each week! Go to raisingdeafkids.com/contact right now to leave me a message! 
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids 
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com 
Read the transcript for the episode --> 
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw

Wednesday May 29, 2024

We have such a great episode and a special guest for you today! My guest on the podcast episode today is Charlotte Haggie.  Charlotte has a 2.5% globally ranked podcast called The Managing Mum, where she helps working moms who are seeking balance in their life between working and raising your kids. 
Charlotte is also a balance and boundaries coach, and she helps working moms regulate your emotions so that you can feel less stressed and more in control of your time and your life. 
On the podcast today, Charlotte and I talk about how to know when your mind and body are not regulated, what self- regulation is,  how we feel certain emotions in our body, and how to tune back in to feeling the emotions in our body and not just in our mind.
Charlotte also gives some really helpful tips of ways that you can start becoming aware of whether or not your emotions are regulated, as well as one, big tip about how to start regulating your emotions right now.
Friend, I want to hear from you! I have a really fun way for you to get a quick 1 minute coaching quickie. Leave me a message on Speakpipe! You can ask a question and I’ll answer it live on the podcast, or you can let me and others know how the podcast has impacted you and your family. I’ll air your message live on the podcast each week! Go to raisingdeafkids.com/contact right now to leave me a message! 
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids 
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com 
Read the transcript for the episode --> 
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Listen to Charlotte's podcast, The Managing Mum --> https://podcasts.apple.com/za/podcast/the-managing-mum-mom-stress-more-time-set-boundaries/id1701636857
Connect with Charlotte --> https://charlottehaggie.com/ 

Tuesday May 28, 2024

Today, we're going to talk about something that you’ve probably never thought about before, but you 100% need to communicate effectivly with your child.
And that’s creating a communication plan for your family!
Everyone talks about what language our child is going to talk, and no one tells parents of kids with hearing loss that what they actually need is a communication plan that works for the family and builds your child’s language skills at the same time.
If you need help with creating an effective communication plan for your family, sign up for a 1:1 coaching call with me today at raisingdeafkids.com/coaching 
Friend, I want to hear from you! I have a really fun way for you to get a quick 1 minute coaching quickie. Leave me a message on Speakpipe! You can ask a question and I’ll answer it live on the podcast, or you can let me and others know how the podcast has impacted you and your family. I’ll air your message live on the podcast each week! Go to raisingdeafkids.com/contact right now to leave me a message! 
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids 
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com 
Read the transcript for the episode --> 
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw

Thursday May 23, 2024

Hearing loss is something that you likely didn’t expect. You probably had a lot of expectations around what hearing loss would be like in your child, and I can assure you it will turn out differently from what you expected.
Today I’m going to share a little about our own hearing loss journey with our boys and tell you what I expected when I learned that my child was Deaf 8 years ago, vs how it actually turned out. I hope this episode is encouraging to you today!
Friend, I want to hear from you! I have a really fun way for you to get a quick 1 minute coaching quickie. Leave me a message on Speakpipe! You can ask a question and I’ll answer it live on the podcast, or you can let me and others know how the podcast has impacted you and your family. I’ll air your message live on the podcast each week! Go to raisingdeafkids.com/contact right now to leave me a message! 
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids 
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com 
Read the transcript for the episode --> 
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Do you feel like you are so far behind in helping your child with hearing loss learn language skills? Does it feel like everyone in the world knows more than you do about raising your own child?
Friend, I want to encourage you today that you are NOT falling behind! You are the perfect mom for your child and you are exactly where you need to be.
Today on the podcast we're going to chat mom-to-mom about why you feel like you're falling behind, and the reality of the situation.
Friend, I want to hear from you! I have a really fun way for you to get a quick 1 minute coaching quickie. Leave me a message on Speakpipe! You can ask a question and I’ll answer it live on the podcast, or you can let me and others know how the podcast has impacted you and your family. I’ll air your message live on the podcast each week! Go to raisingdeafkids.com/contact right now to leave me a message! 
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids 
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com 
Read the transcript for the episode --> 
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw

Tuesday May 21, 2024

A few of our facebook group members have asked some really great questions recently, and one of those questions is, “knowing if my child can hear me or not?” 
That’s a question that I get asked a lot. How do I know that my deaf or hard of hearing child is hearing me, and do I know if my child is understanding me?
Hearing and understanding are two totally different skills, but they both work together to build the foundation of learning a language. Today we’re going to talk about the difference between hearing and understanding and how you can check for hearing and understanding with your child.
Friend, I want to hear from you! I have a really fun way for you to get a quick 1 minute coaching quickie. Leave me a message on Speakpipe! You can ask a question and I’ll answer it live on the podcast, or you can let me and others know how the podcast has impacted you and your family. I’ll air your message live on the podcast each week! Go to raisingdeafkids.com/contact right now to leave me a message! 
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids 
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com 
Read the transcript for the episode --> 
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw

Thursday May 16, 2024

One of our Raising Deaf Kids Facebook group members said, “Currently, we are struggling at bedtime and waking up without his CI.”
Bedtime can be a little difficult with kids with cochlear implants or hearing aids because they typically don’t sleep with these on, and so if your child wakes in the middle of the night or isn’t easy to get to sleep, they can’t hear you in the process of it all.
And this is all happening at the time of the day where everyone is the most tired and cranky! The last thing we need are cranky pants moms and kids! Today we’re going to talk about how to make the bedtime routine a little more smooth for your deaf or hard of hearing child who wears cochlear implants or hearing aids.
Friend, I want to hear from you! I have a really fun way for you to get a quick 1 minute coaching quickie. Leave me a message on Speakpipe! You can ask a question and I’ll answer it live on the podcast, or you can let me and others know how the podcast has impacted you and your family. I’ll air your message live on the podcast each week! Go to raisingdeafkids.com/contact right now to leave me a message! 
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids 
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com 
Read the transcript for the episode --> 
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Teaching your child language is tiring! As a parent you want your child to learn languae quickly... but what if it happens slower than you expected? Today on the podcast we're going to explore how to have patience and endurance while in the middle of language learning with your deaf or hard of hearing child. 
Galatians 5:22 --> https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians%205%3A16-26&version=NKJV
Romans 2: 6-7 --> https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+2%3A+6-7&version=NKJV 
Friend, I want to hear from you! I have a really fun way for you to get a quick 1 minute coaching quickie. Leave me a message on Speakpipe! You can ask a question and I’ll answer it live on the podcast, or you can let me and others know how the podcast has impacted you and your family. I’ll air your message live on the podcast each week! Go to raisingdeafkids.com/contact right now to leave me a message! 
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids 
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com 
Read the transcript for the episode --> 
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw

Tuesday May 14, 2024

One of our members of the Raising Deaf Kids Facebook group said, “we don't know a lot of sign language both of us, My current struggle is feeling we don't have enough language to communicate.”
Do you feel like you’re in that middle part of communication where your deaf or hard of hearing child just can’t communicate yet? Do you both feel frustrated daily at the lack of language skills that your child has? Today on the podcast we’re going to talk about what steps you can take today to start communicating better with your child with hearing loss. 
Podcast episode 31 with Sara Olsher about visual schedules --> https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/31-stop-winging-your-childs-daily-schedule-how-using/id1706831550?i=1000647486384 
Friend, I want to hear from you! I have a really fun way for you to get a quick 1 minute coaching quickie. Leave me a message on Speakpipe! You can ask a question and I’ll answer it live on the podcast, or you can let me and others know how the podcast has impacted you and your family. I’ll air your message live on the podcast each week! Go to raisingdeafkids.com/contact right now to leave me a message! 
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids 
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com 
Read the transcript for the episode --> 
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw

Thursday May 09, 2024

I know that if you’re new to hearing loss you are most likely seeing multiple therapists or interventionists during the week. This takes up a large part of your schedule each week just getting therapies for your child! And every specialist wants you to take advantage of their services. How do you balance it all in your week? Today we’re going to talk about how to balance multiple therapy appointments for your child with hearing loss without going crazy!
Coaching Quickie- Leave Alaine a message raisingdeafkids.com/contact
Friend, I invite you to join me in a 60 minute Language Strategy Session! This is a 1:1 coaching session that that is gonna help you find time to practice language with your child, know what to practice, and get clarity on the most effective methods to practice language with your child. Teach your child to learn language in less time! Head right now to book your FIRST coaching session at https://raisingdeafkids.com/coaching 
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids 
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com 
Read the transcript for the episode --> 
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw

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