Raising Deaf Kids- Hard of hearing, Hearing Loss, Sign Language, ASL, Listening and Spoken Language, Hearing Impaired
Are you tired of spending your precious time after the kids go to bed googling and scrolling Instagram for answers, like “How do I learn sign language?” Do you feel overwhelmed by all of the decisions that you have to constantly make for your child? Do you dream about a day where you can just enjoy your family without worrying about language access or IEP goals? Hey! I’m Alaine Iacobs and I’m so glad we found each other on the Raising Deaf Kids podcast! I remember what it felt like to learn that my child was Deaf for the first time. It felt like the rug got torn out from under my feet and I was falling without a net in sight. It was hard for me to accept that my child was Deaf at first. And then came the overwhelm of all of the decisions that the professionals asked me to make when my baby was just 2 months old. How did I get through those crazy early years of learning new ways of life without completely going insane? By creating solid foundations for my child of communication strategies, academic skills and routines at home along with a rock solid faith in the Lord who guided all of my steps. The podcast will feature tactical ways to build language skills for your child, a no- sweat approach to starting the IEP process, stories from other moms who have been in your shoes, and advice from trusted experts in the field to help you make decisions that are right for your child and your family. Together we are going to build a strong foundation that will support your child and help them thrive! You can be confident that you are making the right decisions for your child and also be able to show up for the rest of your family and yourself. So put down that ASL app and ling 6 toys for now, and let’s get started!
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Have you wondered what it's like to grow up with a Deaf sibling?
Selina Nichols is a SODA (Sibling of a Deaf Adult) who learned to sign later in life.
She cofounded the nonprofit, Deaf Heartbeat Inc in 2014 with her Deaf sister, Roxanne Hoy and has created the Meetup, Griffin ASL Moms with Littles.
Selina has certifications in ASL 1-4 and ASL Medical Terminology from University of Georgia Continuing Education. She has Interpreted at the 2018 Atlanta Comic Con and has traveled to the Jamican Deaf Village twice on Mission.
Her passion is to unite families with hearing and deaf members via American Sign Language.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Connect with Deaf Heartbeat Inc on their https://www.deafheartbeat.com/.
Join the Deaf Heartbeat community on https://www.facebook.com/DeafHeartbeat/
Find a Little Library near you! https://littlefreelibrary.org/map/
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Have you heard about "dinner table syndrome" and how it affects our deaf/ hard of hearing kids?
This year for Thanksgiving we want to banish Dinner Table Syndrome in your house and welcome everyone to the table!
This episode explains what is dinner table syndrome and gives 5 tips to make your Thanksgiving table language accessible to your child!
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Want to teach your kids to sign ASL without the overwhelm? Sign up for my 5 day challenge and learn your first 20 ASL signs with your kids! https://alainejacobs.myflodesk.com/teachyourkidstosign
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Logie and Co is a small shop that helps support their son's hearing loss journey. Logie and Co also strives to help others on their journey and charitably gives a percentage of their revenue to 3 amazing charities with all purchases!
Allison and her family absolutely love what they do and they love being a part of the hearing loss community! Their family motto from the beginning has been to find joy in the journey!
Their son's hearing loss was a surprise, but they have been able to find so much joy through his journey! You can really tell that they live this motto every day in everything that they do.
In this episode Allison and I talk all things grief + acceptance of a hearing loss diagnosis, finding your community, and starting a business that the entire family can participate in.
The Logie and Co shop specializes in handmade, ASL items, handmade, woodworking, products, earrings, and a large assortment of other items! Please consider shopping their small business this year for the holidays to support this sweet family.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Shop the Logie Shop https://www.thelogieshop.com/the-logie-shop
Find Logie and Co on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/logie_and_co/
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Valli Gideons is an author, military spouse, and mother of two thriving teens who were born with hearing loss. With a degree in journalism, her work has reached millions of people across multiple platforms.
Her children's book, "Now Hear This: Harper soars with her Magic Ears", is a story about her daughter's hearing loss journey, which they co-authored.
In her newest book designed for parents, "Through the Fog: Navigating life's challenges while raising kids with hearing loss" she shares her personal experience of how she moved through grief and came to a place of acceptance.
With an engaged community made up of parents and leaders in the field of the deaf and hard of hearing, her work has reached millions across her platforms. She continues to be passionate about her role as advocate.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Find all of Valli's resources on her website https://mybattlecall.com/.
Connect with Valli on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mybattlecall/
Connect with Valli on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MyBattleCall/
Buy Valli's book https://www.amazon.com/Through-Fog-Navigating-challenges-raising/dp/B09RMBX2WH
Download To My Coach https://mybattlecall.com/product/to-my-coach/
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Have you been in a situation where you are SUPER uncomfortable?
As parents of deaf/ hard of hearing kids we are used to the discomfort.
There is discomfort in learning about a new diagnosis, discomfort in navigating school and medical resources... the list goes on in ways that we as parents are constantly confronting the uncomfortable situations with our kids!
I want you to know 3 things about discomfort and navigating the Deaf community as a hearing parent.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
After releasing her first EP in 2021, Amy Sullivan found herself drawn to the special needs community as she shared her own story of parenting a child with a diagnosis.
As she began to cultivate an online community for parents, she realized a common theme most mothers on this journey seemed to struggle with most: isolation.
While many in-person support groups are running again, not everyone has access to one. Some of the rarest conditions out there don’t even have one in the first place. There are so many moms who don’t have someone in real life that they can talk to, and that can understand the highs and lows of this journey.
Since the idea of being able to reach each one of these moms was impossible, it was time to come up with another way.
The idea of Dear Mama Mail was born, and with it, the chance to connect and encourage with even the most isolated moms out there.
By sending a physical card each month, moms are able to look forward something arriving in the mail that’s just for them. Something they can tangibly hold and come back to in the future on the hard days when they need the most encouragement.
With every month focused on a different topic close to the special needs mama heart, recipients can expect to be supported on themes like dealing with a diagnosis, feelings of loneliness, finding gratitude, and hope for the journey.
Read the transcript for the episode here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CzGCSL2_Xlqy2i1Dq0My47zmEHzGkhCe/view?usp=sharing
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Follow Amy on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/amysullivanmusic/
Follow Dear Mama Mail on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dearmamamail/
Join Amy's Facebook community https://www.facebook.com/groups/neveralonespecialneedsparents/
Go to https://www.dearmamamail.com/ and use code POSTCARD25 for 25% off your first postcard purchase
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Have you ever tried to navigate the healthcare system in a new country while not speaking the language?
Our guest today, Keila Armas, did just that! She's originally from Guatemala and soon after she moved to North Carolina, United States she gave birth to her first child who had hearing loss.
Her experience navigating the system was very difficult since she didn’t speak any English at the time and she didn’t have anyone from her family in this country.
Because of that experience she opened a support group in Spanish for families that have children deaf or hard of hearing. She is now a parent consultant with the NC-EHDI program.
Keila and her son have become advocates for new families that are starting in the hearing loss journey letting them know that they are not alone.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Find parent support in NC at NC Beginnings https://ncbegin.org/
Find national support at Hands and Voices https://www.handsandvoices.org
Start early intervention services with EHDI https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/hearingloss/ehdi-programs.html
Read the transcript for this episode here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AYjFS1Sb8a0GMKNal_Ij-ToxUw3eoUJb/view?usp=sharing
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
In this spisode I talk a little bit about how I created the podcast and my blog, and what you can expect to learn from the podcast this season.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Hi everyone! I'm SO excited to officially launch the Raising Deaf Kids Podcast!
I think we are going to be great friends! Since we're just starting our friendship, think of this episode as my "intro" to our new friendship.
In this episode I talk all about our journey with hearing loss with our two boys, and my thoughts and feelings along the way as I navigated hearing loss for the first time with my newborn child.
If you LOVE this podcast, please rate and review it so that other parents can find the podcast, too!
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Welcome to Raising Deaf Kids! A podcast for moms all about raising kids with hearing loss, motherhood, and all the stuff in- between!
I'm so excited to create a much- needed resource for parents to learn more about raising deaf kids! This season I'll be talking to guest experts and also interviewing other moms from our community to answer all your questions of raising kids with hearing loss.
It's a pleasure to be invited into your space, and I don't take it lightly that you choose to be a part of this growing community of parents!
Thank you so much for listening!
If you love this trailer, please like this podcast, subscribe and leave a review so other parents can find this community!
Please follow me on Instagram!
Join the Raising Deaf Kids free private Facebook group where you get all of the latest news about the podcast, get in the conversation during our watch parties, and get entered for fun giveaways only available to our private members.
For even more resources for raising deaf kids, visit my blog.
If you have any general questions or comments for the show, click here.
If you’d like to advertise with us, click here.