Raising Deaf Kids- Hard of hearing, Hearing Loss, Sign Language, ASL, Listening and Spoken Language, Hearing Impaired

Are you tired of spending your precious time after the kids go to bed googling and scrolling Instagram for answers, like “How do I learn sign language?” Do you feel overwhelmed by all of the decisions that you have to constantly make for your child? Do you dream about a day where you can just enjoy your family without worrying about language access or IEP goals? Hey! I’m Alaine Iacobs and I’m so glad we found each other on the Raising Deaf Kids podcast! I remember what it felt like to learn that my child was Deaf for the first time. It felt like the rug got torn out from under my feet and I was falling without a net in sight. It was hard for me to accept that my child was Deaf at first. And then came the overwhelm of all of the decisions that the professionals asked me to make when my baby was just 2 months old. How did I get through those crazy early years of learning new ways of life without completely going insane? By creating solid foundations for my child of communication strategies, academic skills and routines at home along with a rock solid faith in the Lord who guided all of my steps. The podcast will feature tactical ways to build language skills for your child, a no- sweat approach to starting the IEP process, stories from other moms who have been in your shoes, and advice from trusted experts in the field to help you make decisions that are right for your child and your family. Together we are going to build a strong foundation that will support your child and help them thrive! You can be confident that you are making the right decisions for your child and also be able to show up for the rest of your family and yourself. So put down that ASL app and ling 6 toys for now, and let’s get started!

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Thursday Jan 18, 2024

Do you know that you have a super power? Well you do, friend! I’m not talking about the super power of doing a thousand things and juggling a million tasks… although we certainly have that as moms!
On the podcast today I’m talking with Michelle Kais about harnessing our unique internal superpower to that steward our families well without the overwhelm, stress and guilt that that can so often accompany parenting. 
Michelle Kais is a licensed marriage and family therapist in florida and mommy wellness coach. She has a coaching wellness business called The Mommy Consultant that focuses on empowering working moms to put their wellness needs first. She offers private coaching as well as virtual and in person wellness events for moms.
Michelle is so encouraging and supportive of moms, and in the podcast episode you will hear her journey of going from special needs teacher to mom to the mommy coach and licensed therapists that she is now.
In this episode we talk about harnessing our individual superpowers to take care of our own families and Michelle shares practical tips about how to take care of yourself while you are also caring for others in your home.
Grab a pen and paper for this episode...you're gonna want to take some serious notes!
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Connect with Michelle Kais https://linktr.ee/mommyconsults. 

Tuesday Jan 16, 2024

Today we’re going to tackle a common question that I get asked a lot from parents, and the question is: "How do you find the time to practice speech therapy goals with your kids at home?"
I know how hard it can be to fit speech therapy practice into your week with everything else on your plate!
That’s why I've put together these 3 things you can do this week to make sure you start the year off with a solid practice schedule to help your child succeed in their speech therapy!
Practicing those speech therapy goals is SO important to keep your child’s progress going during the week, and I’m going to tell you how to do it in the least stressful way possible!
Mentions: Visual timer for 5 minute practice, shop https://amzn.to/4b04Wxu.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw

Thursday Jan 11, 2024

Today's episode is special because I got to chat with Pragalya from Hear 2 Connect. 
Pragalya is a teenager who has bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and wears cochlear implants. She works with the organization that she co-founded to support families of Deaf/ hard of hearing kids and to mentor younger deaf kids.
In this episode Pragalya gives parents practical tips about helpful accomodations to ask for in the classroom. She also encourages other deaf/hard of hearing teens to build their self- confidence and learn to advocate for their own needs.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Connect with Pragalya on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hear2connect_/?hl=en

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024

Happy new year! Today, we are going to kick-start those new goals into high-gear!
I know how frustrating it is to have SUCH good intentions for the new year, only to be totally off track by February.
That’s why I've put together these 3 things you can do right now to make sure you hit those goals in 2024! 
So if you're ready to do the work, grab a notebook and pen, let's dive in!
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw

Thursday Jan 04, 2024

On the podcast today I had the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Michelle Hu!
Michelle is a pediatric audiologist who was diagnosed with mild hearing loss as a toddler. By the age of 10 her hearing loss progressed to profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and she received hearing aids. 
Michelle received cochlear implants in 2007 and 2010. She now works as a pediatric audiologist in clinic in California and also encourages and supports parents online through her Instagram community. 
Michelle is also a wife and a mom of 3 kids. In this episode Michelle and I chat about how to provide accessible communication in our homes to our deaf and hard of hearing kids. Michelle encourages parents to partner with their kids in creating communication systems that work for the whole family. 
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Connect with Michelle on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mama.hu.hears
Find all of Michelle's resources on her website https://www.mamahuhears.com/

Thursday Dec 28, 2023

On the podcast today I have the absolute pleasure to chat with Hearo Harrison and his mom, Summer Greenham!
Harrison is eight years old and was born profoundly deaf, at the age of 18 months he underwent cochlear implant surgery. Harrisons is bilingual using a combination of signed and spoken language. Harrison dreams of becoming either an audiologist or YouTuber when he’s older and he believes being deaf is something quite special!
In this episode, Summer and I talk about how to advocate for our deaf/ hard of hearing kids as parents, as well as how to start teaching our kids to build their own self-advocacy skills. We also dive into school services and accomodations for elementary school.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Connect with Harrison and Summer on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hearo.harrison/

Thursday Dec 21, 2023

I was so excited to welcome Victoria onto the show today! 
Tori is a pediatric ICU nurse who also experienced sudden hearing loss herself in her mid- twenties.
In this episode Tori talks about what it's like to suddenly lose your hearing as an adult, and what life is like living with tinnitus. 
She also gives actionable tips to parents who want to advocate better for their deaf/ hard of hearing child in a hospital setting. 
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Find Tori on Instagram @jerseytor_

Thursday Dec 14, 2023

Emilee Segura was born deaf and received a cochlear implant when she was 18 months old. She is bilingual in ASL and English, and Emilee works as an early intervention specialist for the Utah School for the Deaf and Blind Parent Infant Program (PIP).
She visits families that have a deaf or hard of hearing child and performs language assessments, teaches language strategies, and helps answer any questions the family has. Emilee has a huge passion for helping deaf and hard of hearing children succeed!
On the podcast today Emilee gives parents THE BEST tips on raising deaf/ hard of hearing kids and information about things to consider when creating the IEP for your deaf child. This is a must listen for parents of high school and college- age deaf/ hard of hearing kids!
For a transcript for the show click this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LR0YRVcCQwkqnY6CkKfMzGM8x2ky94p2/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117850375446773069681&rtpof=true&sd=true.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Emilee shares more about her life as a deaf person on social media. She shares stories, experiences, frustrations, tips, and answers questions.
You can follow her on:
Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/emilee_segura/
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@emileesegura?lang=en
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/emileeesegura/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@Emileesegura

Thursday Dec 07, 2023

This is such a special episode, because Melanie Duval, owner of Goodnight Baby Montana, opened up about her own experience growing up hard of hearing in a hearing world. 
In this episode Melanie share tips with parents about how to set up your deaf/ hard of hearing child for success in school. She also opens up to help parents understand what your child might be feeling or thinking as a hard of hearing person who navigates a hearing world.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Use code ALAINE20 for 20% off your order at checkout at loveashleerose.com 
Find Melanie and her baby sleep resources at https://goodnightbabymt.com/
Follow Goodnight Baby Montana on https://www.facebook.com/GoodnightBabyMontana/
Follow Goodnight Baby Montana on https://www.instagram.com/goodnight_baby_montana/

Thursday Nov 30, 2023

Julie is a mom of twins and she focuses on helping parents implement simple systems for a productive and intentional parenthood fueled by self awareness and faith.
Julie was such a treat to talk to and you are going to want to get out a pen and paper and take some serious notes on this podcast! We talk about how to get out of survival mode and how to even recognize you're in survival mode to begin with. And Julie talks us through the 5steps of how to create a schedule and a plan that works specifically for your family.
Julie is a wealth of information for parents, and I can't wait to get to this conversation on the podcast today.
Find more resources on the website https://www.regularmomblog.com/
Connect with other parents in the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/raisingdeafkids
Questions or comments about the show? Contact Alaine at hello@raisingdeafkids.com
Listen to the episodes with closed captioning on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_eBB2dpyVE7LSfpWOmeUw
Use code ALAINE20 for 20% off your order at checkout at loveashleerose.com 
Subscribe to the https://www.mommadeplans.com/episodes/
Find Julie's resources on the https://www.mommadeplans.com/
Connect with Julie on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mommadeplans/

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